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Im always interested in looking into novel aspect of things and persona which led me to take designing as a study and as-well life. I also like to be immaculate in keeping things around me arranging and rearranging is my habit.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Art-Direction in premier films

South Indian movies in all main four languages started in late 40’s with mythological films essentially with an eye to attract viewers who were until were served company dramas. The dramas were musical and the dialogues were prominent. The backdrop in form of sceneries and costumes became trend straight away in films also. As subjects were mythological and later bit of Folk-Lore's the art depicted in form of sets like Royal court, places, jails, gardens, forest etc. It can b seen in films like Sathi Sulochana, Harishchandra, Krishnalela, etc in kannada, Prahalada, BalaNagamma etc in Telugu , Haridas, Avayar in Tamil.

Coming back to kannada films the studios started at Mysore and later in Madras and Pune were equipped for these pictures where they catered to Mythology subjects. A little later Jala Dhurga based on western story had very novel art direction though limited to sets and costumes. Later with samsara Navka which is a dramatic version gave way for social subjects the art was essentially either simple replication of Mansions huts roads gardens were modeled with success.

The 60’s marked its beginning with colossal film Sathya Harishchandra by vijaya productions here the canvas was very big as the story. The art direction had challenged needing imagination and creativity. The Indra Sabha, Harishchandras royal court brimming with luxury, Vishwamithras ashram, The lata Mantapa where in Mathangies danced were simple and eye filling. The forest and Kashi’s square, Veera bhahu’s graveyard were all designed and the publicity announcing about these sets were as attractive as its music and acting. No doubt Sathya Harishchandra is a huge hit drawing big crowds even today.

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